About this blog

This is my blog of my experiences, and that of my regiment, in the war against the Hun.I'm going to write about what happens to me and the regiment as it actually happens so you folks back home know of this. I'll update this each week so you are kept up to date as things happen.

My intention is to tell you everything.

About Me

My photo
On Active Service, British Expeditionary Force, France
My name is Albert Kyte. I am private 4451 of the 3rd Battalion of his Majesty’s Lancashire Fusiliers. I have been transferred to the 2nd Battalion of the Lancashire Fusiliers and I’m on my way to the Front to do my bit for King and Country. Me and my pals are going to give Kaiser Bill and his cronies a bloody nose. I come from Rotherham in West Yorkshire. I have two brothers, Bill and George, and a sister called Doris. I also have two half brothers, Alex and Alfred. I'm a coal miner by trade and I joined the army in 1913 because it offered regular work and pay.
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